
Speaker Guidelines

  • Format: Abstract format accepted should be word or pdf. Abstract should have a Title, followed by author, co-authors names and their affiliations. Corresponding authors details should be provided correct which shall be used for further correspondence and update about the conferences. The main content should have the following sections: Background/Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, followed by the presenting author’s biography. Standard abbreviations should be used. The abstract should consist solely of text and must not include any tables or figures.
  • Word Limit: The abstract should not exceed 250-300 words, and the biography should be limited to 100 words. Please adhere to these limits, as exceeding them may result in rejection of your abstract.
  • Language: Abstracts must be written in English. Ensure the content is clear, concise, and free of grammatical and typographical errors.
  • Submission Process: Abstracts can be submitted online or via email to the address provided on the conference website.
  • Latest changes in the abstract can be accepted till 30 days before the conference.
  • Sample Abstract template can be downloaded from the website.

